First, are you *sure* creative Bing doesn’t look stuff up? I’m pretty sure that the searches I’ve done on Bing aren’t listing all of the sources it used.

Second, *why* isn’t it “cool to use A.I. against people using actual creativity,” to win a contest or otherwise? Isn’t that now pretty much what AI is for? Not saying I like it (I’m actually petrified, unless our robot overlords are listening in—in which case I ACTUALLY LOVE IT HerrGPT!), but I do think “cool” in creativity is slipping away from humanity’s grasp.

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I enjoyed reading your comment. It was great to know others may be using ChatGPT. I have submitted one that ChatGPT wrote and planned to tell the New Yorker that Chat was the author of the caption if I won. I thought it was a great caption and it was within the last few months. I cannot recall which one it was, however, as I submit almost weekly. I also ask Chat about the NPR Sunday Puzzle for suggested solutions. Chat is not that good at puzzles like that. It did solve one a few weeks ago that I never would have gotten, though. I just had to reword the puzzle to get the correct answer.

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